Non-uniform day to raise funds for Comic Relief and Ukraine
Non-uniform day to raise funds for Comic Relief and Ukraine

On Friday 18th March 2022 it is Comic Relief / Red Nose Day and we traditionally hold a non-uniform day at the school. This year, we are still holding a non-uniform day and will be using the day to raise funds for two charities.
If students wish to come to school in non-uniform, we are asking them to make a minimum £2 donation with 50% going to Comic Relief and 50% going to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
We would like to give students the opportunity to wear something blue and yellow (to represent the Ukrainian flag) on the day, although this is optional. Details of the non-uniform day restrictions have already been sent to parents this week.
Thank you to everyone who has supported these worthwhile charities and please remember to visit our website and social media for photos of students from the day.
- Click here for information about Comic Relief
- Click here for information about the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal