Student artwork for Queen’s Jubilee on display at local exhibition

Student artwork for Queen's Jubilee on display at local exhibition

Artwork created by Giles Academy students that was featured in Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant will be on display at an exhibition at Fydell House in Boston.

Our Year 8 and Year 9 Geography students were involved in ‘Rivers of Hope’ project last year and worked with local artist Emily Cartwright who run a series of workshops to create a flag design for the Jubilee parade.

The project is part of an international art-based project linking schools around the World throught the study of rivers. As well as learning about rivers, the students learnt about art techniques using new materials.

The exhibition at Fydell House will run until April 2023 and features stunning display boards and flags showcasing the creativity of students from Giles Academy other other schools in Boston.

To recognise the work of our school, the students and staff involved in the project have been invited to a special event to launch the exhibition.

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