Tickets now on sale for the Year 11 Celebration Prom

Tickets now on sale for the Year 11 Celebration Prom

After all of the hard work over the last five years – the Year 11 Celebration Prom is a memorable event where students can celebrate together for one last time before they depart for sixth form or college.

We hope that everyone in the year will attend as we know they will look back and remember this milestone event for the rest of their life.

Giles Academy – Year 11 Celebration Prom

  • Wednesday 28th June 2023
  • 7.00pm to 11.00pm
  • at The Jakemans Community Stadium, Boston United FC, Boston PE21 7NE

Tickets for the Year 11 Prom are now on sale and the school has made sure it will be a night to remember by organising a fantastic venue, food and entertainment. On arrival there will be a complimentary non-alcoholic drink, a buffet meal plus a disco.

The cost to attend is £35 and students who are entitled to free school meals will be entitled to a 25% discount. The last date to purchase tickets is Friday 31st March 2023 and payment is to be made by ParentMail. Students are advised to bring spending money for additional drinks and photographs which can be printed and purchased on the night or after the event from the professional photographer.

We wish the whole of Year 11 every success in their final exams and look forward to seeing everyone at the Prom.

Highlights from Giles Academy Prom 2022

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