
  • Examination board: Edexcel
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This is an optional subject which all students will study for 3 hours per week.

The aim of GCSE History at Bourne Academy is to provide an exciting range of different historical experiences and give you a window into the past. Historians learn to appreciate multiple perspectives, cultures and assess different historical interpretations. You look at key developments in Britain’s History such as the Norman Conquest, how life changed for ordinary people with illness and medicine as well as the impact of the First World War. But you also examine the impact of events in the wider world such as Hitler’s rise to power in the 1930’s and the American West.


Topic 1 Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, c1060-88

  • What events led to the Battle of Hastings? How did England change after the Norman Conquest?

Topic 2 The American West, c1835-c1895

  • How wild was the Wild West? What was life like for Native Americans and how was their way of life destroyed?

Topic 3 Medicine in Britain, c1250 to present

  • What was it like to live in the filthy towns and cities of the Middle Ages during the Black Death?
  • How did the World Wars help medicine develop and lead to the NHS?


Topic 4 The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: surgery and treatment

  • Using historical sources consider: How did the revolution in warfare during the First World War lead to horrific injuries and illness?

Topic 5 Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39

  • Why did people vote for Hitler and the Nazis? What was life like in Nazi Germany?

Students have the opportunity to take part in a virtual reality trench experience workshop run by external providers in school linked to the Paper 1 The British Sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: Injuries, treatment and the trenches unit.

Paper 1 (30%) Medicine in Britain, c1250 to present, with The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: surgery and treatment. 1 hour 20 minutes exam.

Paper 2 (40%) Period Study (The American West c.1835-1895) and British Depth Study (Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, c1060-88). 1 hour 50 minutes exam.

Paper 3 (30%) Modern Depth Study: Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39. 1 hour 25 minutes exam.

There are various Sixth Forms and Colleges around the local area where you can study A-level and BTEC qualifications. After studying GCSE History you could study A-level History at Sixth Form or College.

GCSE History is a very popular subject and consistently achieves strong results. History helps us to understand the world we live in today, whether it is global conflict or our ordinary day to day lives. History helps to develop important analytical and communication skills, which means it is a highly regarded qualification for a large range of careers and university applications. With a history qualification you will be prepared for numerous careers where analytical and critical reasoning skills are highly valued. Careers include Law, Politics, publishing, journalism, media, teaching, museums alongside business and commerce, public sector administration and the charity and voluntary sectors.

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