BTEC Level 2

Performing Arts (Acting)

  • Examination board: Pearson
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This is an optional subject which all students will study for 3 hours per week.

Performing Arts is an exciting and popular choice for BTEC. It gives students the opportunity to learn performance techniques and develop knowledge of how the professional industry works and how performances are created. It teaches a range of performance and production skills and promotes creative and imaginative thinking. The course allows students to develop their self-confidence, teamwork and communication skills.

Component 1 – Exploring the Performing Arts (PSA)

  • Students will have the chance to engage in the process of putting on a performance. Students will explore how professional work gets started and its journey from page to stage. Students will work with a variety of texts throughout this component and then focus on the process of one of those texts for the PSA.

Component 2 – Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts (PSA)

  • Students will develop their performing arts skills and techniques through the reproduction of acting or musical theatre repertoire. Students will practically explore scenes from published professional scripts and learn dramatic skills and techniques to enable them to perform an engaging piece of existing work.

Component 3 – Performing to a Brief (Externally Assessed Exam)

  • Students devise and develop a piece of theatre from a set stimulus. Students work in groups to combine their learning of skills, practitioners and techniques to create an engaging piece of performance.

Over the course of the two years, there will be opportunities for students to watch live theatre events, to help them aid their understanding of the course.

Component 3 – Performing to a Brief (Exam Unit)

In Year 11 students will complete their external unit, which is marked by an external examiner.

  • Aim: Consider how practitioners adapt their skills for different contexts, put this into practice in a performance. Students pull together all they have learned and apply their knowledge in a performance
  • Weighting: 40% of total course.

During this unit you will:

  • use the brief and previous learnings to come up with ideas
  • build on your skills in classes, workshops and rehearsals
  • review the process using an ideas and skills log
  • perform a piece to your chosen audience
  • reflect on your performance in an evaluation report

There are various Sixth Forms and Colleges around the local area where you can study A-level and BTEC qualifications. After studying BTEC Level 2 in Performing Arts you could study A-level or BTEC Performing Arts or Drama qualifications at Sixth Form or College.

Once students have been successful in this qualification, there are a wide array of career paths that can be taken. If students wish to continue their studies in the arts, they can go on to study BTEC Performing Arts at Level 3 or A-level Drama and Theatre Studies. As well as this, students who have completed a course in the arts, have also developed in industries such as Business, Nursing, Law, Education and Management.

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