PSHE Day designed to educate and inform students

PSHE Day designed to educate and inform students

Educating our students about Personal, Social, Health and Economic issues is just as important as the academic subjects they study.

This is why we held a special PSHE Day on Thursday 25th November (in addition to the sessions delivered each week) where the whole school from year 7 to 11 learnt about what may affect them in the future to improve student wellbeing and so they are responsible citizens.

Every school year had a unique timetable of activities, talks and workshops that was specifically designed for their age group. Depending on the activity, these were led by our teachers or from external guest speakers and organisations.

Some of topics covered on the day included CPR, fire safety, rail safety, vaccinations, parliament, budgeting, online fraud, gambling, sexting, consent and relationships.

Did you know?

The model of the Annie mannequin used in CPR training was based on unidentified girl from the 19th Century.

During CPR training, the first thing you should say is “Annie are you OK”, which was used in the lyrics for Smooth Criminal by Micheal Jackson.

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