
Safeguarding at our school
As a Trust, our Safeguarding Teams recognise our responsibilities for safeguarding children and protecting them from harm. We follow the procedures set out by the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) and follow the of guidance issued by the DfE. All these procedures are set out in our safeguarding policy, which is updated annually.
If you have any safeguarding concerns please do not hesitate to contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead or a Deputy Safeguarding Lead in each of our schools (details are below).
If you suspect or believe a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer significant harm (including any form of mistreatment or abuse) you should AT ALL TIMES report your concerns.
- If there is no immediate danger to the child, or if you need some advice or information, you can contact the Children Services Customer Service Centre on 01522 782111 (if you are a member of the public).
- If it is outside of normal office hours, you can contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01522 782333.
- In an emergency always dial 999.
Are you feeling worried?
We understand that young people may be exposed to worries and concerns out of school hours. In order to support our students at Giles Academy we have created an outreach support system whereby students can contact a trusted member of the safeguarding team for advice and guidance to any situation that is concerning them.
If any student requires support, advice or guidance for a concern whilst out of school hours we have a designated email address to respond with support.
If you contact the worried email address a designated member of staff will reply as soon as possible with advice and guidance to support you with your concern. Please note that during weekends or during school holidays, it is not always possible to answer emails due to staff being on leave.
Our Safeguarding Team

Mr Will Hawkins
Chair of the Governing Body and Safeguarding Link

Mrs Lucy Conley
SLAT Chief Executive Officer and Designated Safeguarding Trained

Mr Brett Sinclair
SLAT Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Designated Safeguarding Manager (DSL) for the Trust and Single Point Of Contact (SPOC)

Miss Katie Belcher
Head of School and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Mr Chris Wright
Trust Executive Education Director and Designated Safeguarding Trained

Mrs Jo-Anne Whitehead
Safeguarding Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Any person who does not feel confident to raise their concerns with the SLAT Chief Executive Officer, Head of School, a member of the Senior Leadership Team or Chair of Governors or does not feel that their concerns about a situation or about an adult in school has been taken seriously they can contact the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer – Lincolnshire) directly on 01522 554674.
Report Remove Button
‘Report Remove’ supports young people to take down nudes shared online.
The Report Remove button is set up and managed by the NSPCC to help protect young people if nudes photos/videos are shared online.
Students under the age of 18 can use this tool to assist in taking the images down and Childline can provide further support if needed.
- Click the Report Remove logo for further details.
Who can offer additional support?

Policies and documents
Below you can find our Safeguarding Policy under ‘School Policies’ and other documents you may find useful.
Support documents for parents/carers