PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) make a significant contribution to students’ personal development and are fundamental to developing the qualities and attributes that students need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. The Trust has embedded an outstanding PSHE and SMSC programme that is central to the Trust’s ethos. The programme allows students to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. The PSHE and SMSC schemes of work are given equal weighting to other subjects based on how it is fundamental for a student’s personal development. The programme is consistently reviewed and amended to local and national needs such as the Prevent Policy and Statutory requirements regarding Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education for September 2020 (see policies below). Meetings with students for their feedback is extremely important to the programme and is taken on board as part of the review and amendments.
The programme is taught once a week in Y7 and 9, and through tutor time to Y9-11 including an hour lesson every fortnight. To ensure that our programme is outstanding and wide-ranging and gives a variety of experiences. The PSHE programme allows students in Years 7-13 to be involved in a series of dates where they will receive a new timetable for the day and students cover a range of topics that support the PSHE/SMSC programme these include: RSE, First Aid, alcohol and drugs awareness, crime and consequences, personal wellbeing, financial wellbeing as well as careers. The Trust holds PSHE events to support the programme these days will have range of talks and activities arranged by specialist outside agencies and trained staff in school, including, but not limited to, PSCOs, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, Lincs Integrated Sexual Health Services (LISH), Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, Positive Health (Lincolnshire), Prison Me No Way, MAD agency and Too fast too soon.
For further information, contact:
For Prevent, PSHE, RSE and Post 16 Policy or Curriculum Intent, please click the buttons below:
Statutory Secondary Guidance:
Understanding Relationships, Sex and Health Education at your child’s secondary school: a guide for parents:
Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education: FAQs
Website links to safeguarding
Don’t Lose Hope
Every Mind Matters