Show My Homework
Show My Homework by Satchel is an online tool to help you keep track of your child’s homework. Show My Homework will allow you to see the details of the tasks your child has been set, all their deadlines and their submission status and grades. This system is invaluable in helping us to communicate with students and parents, giving everyone greater visibility into the homework we set.
You will be provided with login details to your personal account, which is linked to your child’s homework calendar, where you will be able to see your child’s To-do List and any homework that is overdue. These logins are given out in the first term of Year 7 or to students and parents as they join our school throughout the year.
We use this system as it offers us:
– 24/7 access
– View quality and quantity of homework
– Translation into over 50 languages
– Apps available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android devices
– Receive automated notifications before homework is due
To keep up to date on the move please download the Show My Homework app once you receive your login details, you will then be sent push notifications to let you know what homework is due. You will also be notified of grades, overdue homework and announcements/events.
If you or your child have any questions about the service, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team at Show My Homework, who are always happy to help. Just log a ticket using or call 0207 197 9550.
If you’d like to get in touch with the school or provide feedback, please contact
Getting Started as a Parent
As a parent you will be supplied with login details for Show My Homework (this is called a Parent Pin and will be sent to you securely using intouch/Parentmail), using the video below you can set your account up, add multiple students to this account and then start monitoring. Using the portal you can check what homework has been assigned, whether your child has completed the work, grades given for this homework and a calendar of key events. For step by step instructions, please visit this Link.
Getting Started as a Student
As a student all you will need to log in is your email address (surname followed by first initial of first and network password). When you access Show My Homework click on ‘Sign in with Office 365’ and enter your details. Using the portal you can check what homework has been assigned to you, complete work online, access homework resource and check off completed work as well as accessing your timetable.
You can find detailed information on how to do this at
The Satchel website has an area dedicated to commonly asked questions where you can find lots of support to help you make the most of this system. You can find this at
Students - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I log in as a student?
Use your school details to access your account.
How do I find my homework on Satchel One?
There are a number of ways you can find your homework on Satchel One
My homework is not on the to-do list anymore, how can I find it?
You can find any homework you’ve been set by checking your Calendar. Please see this article for more information on how to navigate the Calendar
I’ve accidentally marked a task as complete, how do I get it back?
To move a task back to your To-do list, you simply need to click on the Completed tab on the website (or the Past tab on the app) and un-tick the task you’ve accidentally marked as completed
How do I leave a comment for my teacher?
Have a question about your homework and need to send your teacher a message? Leave a comment!
How do I submit my work online?
Distance learning: how to send your homework to your teacher remotely
I’ve submitted the wrong file, how can I delete it?
Once you have uploaded a file to a task it isn’t possible to remove it. However, you have the option to do a re-submission by uploading the correct file on task. We also advise that you leave a comment to your teacher explaining that you have uploaded an incorrect file
Parents - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I log in as a parent?
How to sign up, reset your login details for your parent account or assist your child to log in
What do I do if I have forgotten my password?
If you lose your password, don’t worry! It can be easily recovered using your registered email address. Please follow the guide below to recover your password:
- Go to and click Forgot Password?
- Enter your email address in the box and click Reset password
- A password reset email will be sent to your registered address. Follow the instructions to reset your login details.
If you are unable to recover your password, please contact the school who will be able to further assist
How do I view my child’s homework?
How to view your child’s homework from your parent account
What is the Gradebook?
View your child’s submissions and grades