Student feedback and comments from the recent annual survey
Student feedback and comments from the recent annual survey
In the autumn term, the South Lincolnshire Academies Trust conducted an annual survey with students, parents and staff from all three schools who are part of our Trust. We had an overwhelming response with 1,390 students, 563 parents and 278 staff giving their feedback, which was completely anonymous.
From this we can identify where we need to make improvements but this also gives us an indication of how you think we are doing.
As you have taken your time to give us your feedback, we wanted to share with you some of the results and comments from students that were specific to Giles Academy.
Students results
100% – I feel safe at Giles Academy
98% – The behaviour of other pupils in my lessons is good
97% – The control of bullying is good
Students comments

“I feel that students have been given more of a voice since SLAT took over.”
“I used to have trouble with homework but the ‘Show My Homework’ app has really helped me.”
“The school supports students with mental health, physical health in lessons and any other problems.”
“I really like the way the teachers are very polite and are understanding.”
“This school has improved massively since I joined four years ago, and I only see it getting better and better.”
“I like that you now reward the good students. I’ve always put in maximum effort at achool and now I feel very rewarded.”
“I think that the school are very good at talking to students when they need help.”
“The uniform is a lot smarter.”
“I never used to like PE in primary school and now it’s my favourite subject.”
“Some activities we do in lessons can be fun making it easier to want to learn more about the topic.”
“I like where the school has replaced the whiteboards with smartboards.”
“You are doing a good job with the treatment of disruptive people and I think the school has massively improved.”
“I think the teachers are doing a great job at helping me learn and looking after the welfare of students.”
“If I tell a member of staff a problem they fix it straight away.”
“I think that the school are very good at talking to students when they need help.”