Year 10 Multi-Agency Day delivered by Stay Safe Partnership
Year 10 Multi-Agency Day delivered by Stay Safe Partnership

Throughout the academic year, we deliver a comprehensive PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic) programme to educate students about a variety of topics, which are age appropriate for each Year group.
This week, our Year 10 students engaged in a Stay Safe Day where the structure of the day allows for our students to hear from external specialist speakers on important issues that are facing young people.
There were five different topics over the whole day which raised awareness of Road Safety, Domestic Abuse, County Lines, Substance Abuse and Online Safety. The organisations involved included, Lincolnshire Police, Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Partnership, We Are With You and Lincolnshire County Council.
The aim of the day was to improve the personal safety of our students to help them make informed choices by understanding the consequences of their actions on themselves, their families and the community.
The students were very engaged in the programme and were commended on being able to deal with the sensitive topics in a mature way, whilst actively engaging in the lessons.