CNAT Level 2

Sport Science

  • Examination board: Cambridge
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This is an optional subject which all students will study for 3 hours per week. All students will still have one hour of Core Sport per week on top of this subject choice.

The Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science offer students the opportunity to study key areas of sport science including anatomy and physiology linked to fitness, health, injury and performance, the science of training and application of training principles, and technology in sport. There are three units throughout the two years.

Unit R180: Reducing the risk of sports injuries (1 hour 15 minutes exam – 70 marks in total)

  • By completing this unit, learners will know how to minimise the risk of injuries, how to react to common injuries and how to recognise symptoms of common medical conditions.

Unit R181: Applying principles of training; fitness & how it affects skill performance (5 tasks – 80 marks in total)

  • By completing this unit, learners will develop their knowledge of training principles, fitness tests and how to design a fitness training programme.

Unit R182: The body’s response to physical activity & how technology informs this (3 tasks – 40 marks in total)

  • By completing this unit, learners will understand key aspects of the musculo-skeletal and cardio-respiratory systems & how technology informs us of all responses.

The award is 60% coursework based plus one external assessment which is 40% of the qualification. 

There are two internally marked units and one external examination (1 hour 15 minutes written exam in Year 11).

There are various Sixth Forms and Colleges around the local area where you can study A-level and BTEC qualifications. After studying CNAT Level 2 Sport Science you could study A-level or BTEC Sport qualifications at Sixth Form or College.

This then can be used for a variety of sports courses at university or within the leisure industry.

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