Skillsometer Quiz & Labour Market Career Comparison Tool

Skillsometer Quiz

The Skillsometer Quiz has been designed to help students who are not sure what jobs they may be interested in.

Thinking about skills, interests and the ways these can link to jobs can be a helpful first step in identifying possible future jobs.

Students take the quiz, which requires them to think about a number statements and decide what they love, are not sure about or dislike by clicking on the relevant emoji.

The statements are presented within six well established occupational categories

  • Artistic
  • Realistic
  • Investigative
  • Conventional
  • Enterprising
  • Social

All of which are then ranked against jobs. Once the student has completed the quiz they are given a short list of job suggestions that are most likely to be suited to their own particular skills and interests. Each job can be explored as a description is presented together with information on pay and hours. For further information about specific jobs, and to compare with other jobs, students can then use the Careerometer.


Labour Market Information

Labour market information (LMI) provides you with information about the workplace or labour market. LMI describes the condition of the employment market, past and present, as well as future projections.

Clear and concise information is provided showing the following:

  • where employment opportunities are increasing or decreasing
  • what different employment opportunities exist
  • what you need to study to become a professional in that occupation
  • what qualifications and experience is required to take up a specific
  • how to find recruitment opportunities, change career path or progress in

          your current career.

Are you interested in finding out more? Use the Careerometer (below) to compare different job roles.

Here you can find out:

  • Average weekly and annual wages
  • Average number of weekly hours
  • The projected workforce change (growth or decline)
  • Common tasks carried out in the jobs
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